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“Bamboo Characteristics and Design Potentials”

(IQAC Sponsored Five Days Workshop)

Date: 14th - 18th February 2022

The main theme of the Workshop was “Bamboo Characteristics and Design Potentials”. Shri. Susanth

C.S., Head, Center of Bamboo initiatives, National Institute of Design, Bangalore introduced the participants to the potential of Bamboo as a design material. He also shared his ideas for modifying the products prepared by the participants to make minimalized high-quality bamboo products. Shri Rajeev V.K, Master Craftsman & Bamboo Design Consultant from Wayanad gave Hands-on training to the participants to design and make new products from bamboo. He also trained them to bend the bamboo by thermal treatment and to apply high-quality finishes to the products. Many products like Pen holders, Mobile holders, Cloth hangers, Tongues, Hair clips, etc were made from different species of bamboo.